Scientific Committee
Aleksi Lehikoinen (chair) – University of Helsinki, Finland
I lead the research group of the Helsinki Lab of Ornithology at the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki, Finland. My main research interests are population ecology, conservation biology and bird migration. The main research topic in recent years has been to understand how climate change and land use changes affect populations of species. I also coordinate common bird monitoring in Finland. Read more here.
Ruud Foppen – SOVON Dutch Centre for Ornithology, The Netherlands
I am a senior researcher of the Dutch Centre for Field Ornithology and professor at the Department of Animal Ecology and Physiology of the Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, and currently I am the chairman of the EBCC. I am also involved in ‘citizen’s ornithology’ collating and analyzing data of thousands of volunteers in order to report on the state of birds and to inform nature policy and nature management. I focus on research that aims to unravel the driving forces, drivers and pressures that govern our bird populations. I am an enthusiastic bird watcher and ringer and participate in many volunteer monitoring and surveying projects. Read more here.
Lluís Brotons – Centre for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications, Spain
I am a researcher at CSIC in Spain and lead the Landscape Ecology Group and Biodiversity at the InForest JRU (CREAF-CTFC) in Barcelona. Global change is a combination of rapid environmental changes at the global scale involving significant threats to human societies and ecological systems. His research aims to cover this challenge in terrestrial agro-forestry systems and it is based on the integration of different approaches ranging from ornithology, ecology, statistical, landscape and species distribution modelling to remote sensing science. Unravelling the causes of past changes in biodiversity patterns under environmental change (land abandonment, landscape fragmentation, climate change, agricultural intensification and changes in the disturbance regimes such as fires) allows the critical and adequate calibration and development of models of future ecosystem response to further change. Read more here.
Mark Eaton – Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, UK
I am Principal Conservation Scientist in the Species Monitoring & Research section at the RSPB Centre for Conservation Science, responsible for overseeing the RSPB’s involvement in the monitoring of birds in the UK and overseas. This includes input into generic multi-species schemes, single species surveys and rare breeding bird monitoring. I work to synthesise monitoring data to assess the health of both our avifauna and the wider environment, through State of the UK’s Birds reports, wild bird indicators, and red-listing. In recent years I have developed an involvement reporting on the status of biodiversity more widely, most notably through the State of Nature partnership. Read more here.
Henning Heldbjerg – DOF-Birdlife Denmark, Denmark
I work for BirdLife Denmark (DOF). I have recently finalized my PhD Citizen Science Based Bird Population Studies and I am now involved in different monitoring projects such as Common Bird Census and Atlas.
João E. Rabaça – University of Évora, Portugal
I hold a position of Assistant Professor at the Department of Biology of the University of Évora, and currently I am the Director of the Master in Conservation Biology. I lead the LabOr, University of Évora and have broad interests in avian ecology, chiefly in understanding the composition and structure of riparian and forest bird communities, the effect of changes in farming systems on the distribution and abundances of priority species and methodological issues of census techniques. Additionally, I have a special awareness in the spread out of scientific knowledge using birds as a reference tool. Read more here.
Carlos Godinho – University of Évora, Portugal
Master in Conservation Biology and PhD in Biology (University of Évora), my main interests in Ornithology are the study of bird communities, birds as bioindicators, census methods and scientific ringing. I am a researcher at LabOr, University of Évora, co-responsible of the Constant Effort ringing Station of the Herdade da Mitra and member of the scientific commission of the III Portuguese Bird Breeding Atlas.
Rui Lourenço – University of Évora, Portugal
I graduated in Biology (University of Lisbon, 2000) and hold a Master degree in Conservation Biology (University of Évora, 2005). My PhD thesis in Biology (University of Évora, 2011) was focused on the competitive and predatory interactions among vertebrate top predators. My main research subjects are owls and raptors, studying aspects like diet, distribution, interactions, road ecology, and ecotoxicology. Besides research, I’ve worked in conservation and education in NGO’s. Currently, I’m a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Évora, also coordinating the monitoring program Noctua-Portugal (GTAN-SPEA).
Oskars Keišs – University of Latvia, Latvia
I lead the Laboratory of Ornithology of the Institute of Biology, University of Latvia and my main research interests are population ecology, conservation biology and bird migration. The main research topic in recent years has been to understand how important are land use in conservation of birds on agricultural landscape and how climate change possibly impacts the migration of small passerine birds. I also coordinate night bird monitoring on agricultural lands in Latvia.
Verena Keller – Vogelwarte Sempach, Switzerland
I work at the Swiss Ornithological Institute in Sempach. After having been working on many different projects related to monitoring and conservation in Switzerland, my main focus has shifted to the international level. As an EBCC board member I chair the steering committee for the second European Breeding Bird Atlas and manage the project together with the coordination team based in Barcelona, Prague and Spain.
Top Photo © Fer Goytre