Abstract and presentation guidelines
Guidelines for communication
Oral presentations and plenary sessions
Oral presentations will be 12’ long followed by a 3-min question period. The projection systems in both Auditoriums can project in 16:9 and 4:3. Please prepare your final presentation in one of these two formats.
In order to facilitate the organization, we kindly ask the authors to send their final presentations by e-mail until April 7 (in ppt, pptx or PDF) to ebcc2019@uevora.pt with the subject author_session (example: GODINHO_2B).
No content of the presentations will be shared. The organization will delete all presentations from e-mail and from computers after the BIRD NUMBERS 2019 Conference.
Plenary talks will be video recorded and made available later on in the Conference website. We are grateful to our guests for allowing the recording of their lectures.
For the first time in EBCC Conferences we will use E-posters (you don’t need to print or bring the poster along with you!).
Please follow the instructions here.
Some key information:
- Poster orientation: vertical
- Dimensions: 57.165 cm x101.64 cm
- Send by e-mail to eslidesk@tecnovisao.com (with Cc to ebcc2019@uevora.pt)
- Deadline: 3 of April 2019
- Email subject: POSTER_EBCC_author
Abstracts should be in Microsoft Word or Open office text format. Use Arial font, size 11. Abstract title should be in capital, bold letters and as short as possible. Do not give scientific names in the title. Author names, with the presenting author first, should be given on a separate line. Give the email address of the presenting author and affiliations (university, agency etc. and country) of all authors, using initials as in the example below. The abstract text should specify the study question, main findings and conclusions plus any recommendations. Keep methods as short as possible. Apply capitals as follows: ‘Short-toed Treecreeper’, but note ‘shorebirds’. Give scientific names (in italics) at first mention in the abstract text. The abstract text should not exceed 300 words.
Example of format for abstract title, authors and affiliations:
Ruud Foppen, David Noble, Oskar Keiss, Henning Heldbjerg
RF: SOVON Dutch Centre for Ornithology, the Netherlands (Ruud.Foppen@sovon.nl); DN: British Trust for Ornithology, UK; OK: University of Latvia, Latvia; HH: Dansk Ornitogisk Forening, Denmark.
Top Photo © Fer Goytre